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Figures kneeling around a priest at the altar Alphonse LEGROS What a tailor can do! Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Devotion in the 5th & 6th Centuries - Fasting & Prayer Gustave DORÉ Sacrifice to Priapus: The larger plate Jacopo de' BARBARI At the shrine of the founder Charles HOLROYD Holy Thursday William BLAKE Orestes before Apollo John FLAXMAN La Communion des Lutheriens UNKNOWN; Caterine SPERLING (after) Prayer in the chapel Eugene ISABEY Altissimu, onnipotente, bon signore... Enrico MACCIONI The Beast with two horns like a lamb Albrecht DÜRER Interior of the Portuguese synagogue in Amsterdam Romeyn de HOOGHE Untitled UNKNOWN; H. LIVERSEEGE (after) Vanity Fair Arthur HUGHES (Landscape with Christ and Mary Magdalene) ITALY; Gaspard DUGHET (manner of) King Solomon serving false gods UNKNOWN; N VLEUGHELS (after) Daniel's prayer DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Edward John POYNTER (draughtsman) Preliminary drawing for the Worship of Quetzelcoatl Bernard PICART Vespers (Il Coro) Charles HOLROYD Solomon worshipping idols Georg PENCZ The Adoration of the Lamb - The Hymn of the Chosen Albrecht DÜRER The Adoration of the Shepherds Hendrick GOLTZIUS The Adoration of the Shepherds Albrecht DÜRER The Adoration of the Magi Giovanni TOSCANI Adoration of the Shepherds UNKNOWN; Agostino CARRACCI (after) The Adoration of the shepherds Mario CARTARO Phillip - Phillip in Church UNKNOWN; Frederick WALKER (after) The Adoration of the shepherds Giulio BONASONE Adoration of the Magi Albrecht ALTDORFER The Adoration of the Shepherds Theodorus van KESSEL; Jacopo BASSANO (after)
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