
Middle Years Activity

Research Lam and Giacometti

Alberto GIACOMETTI - Nose 1947, cast 1965

Swiss 1901–66
Le Nez 1947, cast 1965
bronze, wire, rope, and steel, ed. 5/6
81.0 x 97.5 x 39.4 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
© Alberto Giacometti/ADAGP, Paris. Licensed by VISCOPY, Australia


Wifredo LAM - Zambezia, Zambezia 1950

Wifredo LAM
Cuban 1902–82
Zambezia, Zambezia 1950
oil on canvas
125.4 x 110.8 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
Gift, Mr. Joseph Cantor
© Wifredo Lam/ADAGP, Paris. Licensed by VISCOPY, Australia


Middle Years Students


Interpersonal Development, Humanities and Art


To research the work of Wifredo Lam and Alberto Giacometti and the influences of other cultures and artists on their work.


To do this activity you will need to:

Individual Task

Lam was particularly influenced by Pablo Picasso. Lam met Picasso in Paris in 1938 and was subsequently inspired by cubism. Find a work by Picasso which reminds you of Lam's Zambezia, Zambezia.

Research Questions

Giacometti’s Nose was inspired by a bamboo and a bark mask of the Baining people of New Britain. Research other masks made by these people. In your  opinion what features of these masks may have appealed to the artist?

Group Task

Lam was also influenced by Henri Matisse. What similarities and differences of style and technique do you think both artists shared?

Discussion Questions

Discuss the similarities of the artists Picasso and Lam. Discuss the materials and techniques both artists have used.