Interior Futures: a symposium

Presented by RMIT Interior Design with Crucible Press

Sorry you missed this one!

A symposium to launch the publication Interior Futures. Published by Crucible Press, Interior Futures is a compendium of ‘outsider, avant-garde and even renegade perspectives on the future of the interior from both inside and outside the field’. Edited by Graeme Brooker, Harriet Harriss and Kevin Walker (Royal College of Art, London), contributions were invited from around the globe. At Interior Futures five Australian-based authors – Suzie Attiwill (RMIT University), Charity Edwards (Monash University), Evelyn Kwok (UTS), Naomi Stead (Monash University) and Mark Taylor (Swinburne University) – share their individual provocations and set the scene for a lively discussion and debate on the future of interiors.
