Polish born, USA-based artist Agnieszka Pilat, expands her creative fascination with robots and technology, by passing her brushes on to her AI-enabled robot apprentices to explore and reveal the power of technology in contemporary society. Boston Dynamics robot dogs – named Basia Spot, Omuzana Spot and Bunny Spot – are trained to paint autonomously, becoming the artists and painting both individual and collaborative works over the duration of the exhibition. Through her collaborative process the artist shares a futuristic, yet joyful, intersection between technological evolution and artistic tradition.
During EXTRA, Basia, Omuzana and Bunny adapt to night-time painting, offering audiences a new vision of the dogs as artistic protégées at work.
On January 23, Join NGV Senior Curator, Ewan McEoin for a floor talk, to learn insights into how her work serves as a catalyst for discussions on artificial intelligence and poses the existential question of our co-existence with these new technologies.
About the artist:
Agnieszka Pilat lives and works in New York City and in San Francisco and as a self-proclaimed machine chaser, she commutes between the east and west coasts in pursuit of emergent technologies. Pilat’s work has been featured in publications including WIRED, Artnet, New York Magazine, and The Times, London. Pilat is currently a guest artist at Agility Robotics and at SpaceX.