Collection Online


21 April 1938 Somerset, England
worked in Australia 1976–

166 works

After fire – spiny-cheeked honeyeaters at Lake Monibeong John WOLSELEY Natural history of swamps III, heron in swamp – Loy Yang Power Station John WOLSELEY Study for the History of the Whipstick Forest with ephemeral swamps and gold bearing reefs John WOLSELEY Ironbark frot John WOLSELEY Twelve months in the Murray-Sunset John WOLSELEY Burnt casuarina, Broken Bucket John WOLSELEY Green plum, Milikapiti, Melville Island John WOLSELEY Papaya, leaf rubbing John WOLSELEY Lichen umwelt John WOLSELEY Flight of hands John WOLSELEY Venation John WOLSELEY Swamp fern, Tasmania John WOLSELEY Burnt scrub, Broken Bucket John WOLSELEY Bull mallee and porcupine grass John WOLSELEY The last journey of the regent Honeyeater John WOLSELEY Rare and unexpected sightings of the Embroidered Merops and the Spinifex Grasswren John WOLSELEY The colonizing of lichens in Tasmania and Valdivia John WOLSELEY Finke River anabranch John WOLSELEY After the fire, I - The fresh earth beams forth ten thousand springs of life (Blake) John WOLSELEY There is no desert but was once a name John WOLSELEY Huon Pine gateway with pillars John WOLSELEY Study for Dunes crossing Finke River John WOLSELEY Woodblock print on chine collé paper and Huon Pine slab John WOLSELEY Buried painting – Woomera John WOLSELEY Estuarine mangrove swamp John WOLSELEY Gosse Bluff scree John WOLSELEY Decomposition ventifacts 1–4 John WOLSELEY Study for ephemeral water with new growth John WOLSELEY Ventifact enclosing beetle umwelt John WOLSELEY Termite nest prints John WOLSELEY
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