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The bulldog (guard dog). The bulldog  which Mr. de Buffon mentions by both names, guard dog and doorman, is by nature unclean, not well built, curious, growls and is very surly. He constantly barks at the wrong moment. The tenants of the place he lives say that he is an ugly animal. The bulldog's or doorman’s job is to be responsible for guarding the house, but that is what he guards least. On the other hand he is much better at guarding letters, newspapers, calling cards, etc. He is extremely nasty and threatens to throw himself at those people who approach him. However, there is a certain way to tame him: when he shows his teeth one must show him a 100 sous coin. Instantly, he becomes soft and caressing like a poodle. The bulldog or doorman usually lives in dirty and smoky cabins, and thanks to the neighbourhood kids, he never runs out of kennels.

The bulldog (guard dog). The bulldog which Mr. de Buffon mentions by both names, guard dog and doorman, is by nature unclean, not well built, curious, growls and is very surly. He constantly barks at the wrong moment. The tenants of the place he lives say that he is an ugly animal. The bulldog's or doorman’s job is to be responsible for guarding the house, but that is what he guards least. On the other hand he is much better at guarding letters, newspapers, calling cards, etc. He is extremely nasty and threatens to throw himself at those people who approach him. However, there is a certain way to tame him: when he shows his teeth one must show him a 100 sous coin. Instantly, he becomes soft and caressing like a poodle. The bulldog or doorman usually lives in dirty and smoky cabins, and thanks to the neighbourhood kids, he never runs out of kennels.
(Le boul-dogue (chien de garde) Le Boul-dogue que Mr. de Buffon désigne indiféremment sous le nom de chien de garde ou de portier; est naturellement mal propre, mal bâti, curieux, grognard, et très hargneux. il aboie à tout propos et hors de tout propos. les locataires du lieu qu’il habite disent que c’est un vilain animal. le Boul-dogue ou Portier est chargé de garder la maison, mais c’est ce qu’il garde le moins. en revanche il garde très bien les lettres, les journaux, les cartes de visite, etc. il est extrêmement méchant et menace souvent de se jeter sur ceux qui l’approchent. Cependant, il y a un moyen certain de l’apprivoiser c’est, lorsqu’il montre les dents, de lui montrer une pièce de cent sous, à l’instant, il devient souple et caressant comme un Caniche le Boul-dogue ou portier habite d’ordinaire des cabanes sales et enfumées, et grâce aux gamins du voisinage les niches ne lui manquent pas.)
no. 10 from the Cours d'histoire naturelle (Natural history course) series

hand-coloured lithograph and gum arabic on buff paper
21.5 × 19.1 cm (image) 23.0 × 20.5 cm (comp.) 30.9 × 20.5 cm (comp. and text) 32.2 × 24.4 cm (sheet)
Place/s of Execution
Paris, France
Catalogue/s Raisonné
Delteil 5328 ii/iii
2nd of 3 states
printed by Lemercier, Bernard & Cie; published by Dupin, Paris
printed in ink l.l.: A Paris, chez Dupin, Galerie Colbert.
printed in ink l.r.: Imp. de Lemercier. Bernard et Cie (. under ie)
Accession Number
International Prints / International Prints and Drawings
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased, 1946
This digital record has been made available on NGV Collection Online through the generous support of the Joe White Bequest
Gallery location
Not on display