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Madonna in the clouds Francesco ALLEGRINI (circle of) Pieta UNKNOWN Annunciation UNKNOWN; Federico ZUCCARO (after) The Holy Family Simone CANTARINI The Holy Family PERINO DEL VAGA The Virgin Annunciate Bernardo CAVALLINO Holy Family resting Federico BAROCCI Lauds: The Visitation MAÎTRE FRANÇOIS (illuminator); Jean DUBRUEIL (scribe) Natiuitas Gloriosae Virginis Mariae UNKNOWN; Annibale CARRACI (after) Holy Family under a canopy Sebald BEHAM The Holy Family with two Angels in a Vaulted Hall Albrecht DÜRER The Annunciation (The Small Passion) UNKNOWN; Albrecht DÜRER (possibly after) The Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin Albrecht DÜRER Virgin and infant Jesus UNKNOWN; Annibale CARRICCI (after) Madonna and Child UNKNOWN The Virgin and Child Simon MARMION The Virgin enthroned (Altar piece triptych) Justin O'BRIEN Birth of the Virgin UNKNOWN Sheet of studies with the Annunciation and the Marriage of St Catherine UNKNOWN The Virgin in repose on a cross, crowned by two angels Theodor GALLE Annunciation Albrecht ALTDORFER Mystical marriage of St Catherine Giovanni Battista PASSERI The Gospel Book of Theophanes THEOPHANES The Mother and Child in a Grotto (I) Tomas HARRIS The Virgin and Child with two angels Lucas van LEYDEN The Virgin and Child UNKNOWN The Mother and child, and two angels Tomas HARRIS The Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple Marcantonio RAIMONDI (engraver); Albrecht DÜRER (after) Madonna in prayer SASSOFERRATO Christ between the Virgin and St Roch appearing to plague victims Lelio ORSI (attributed to)
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