FONTANA WORKSHOP, Urbino (manufacturer)<br/>
<em>Alpheus and Arethusa, Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, double-spouted ewer</em> (c. 1570-1580) <!-- (view 1) --><br />

earthenware (maiolica)<br />
28.2 x 28.8 x 18.5 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Felton Bequest, 1971<br />
D98A-1971<br />




Alpheus and Arethusa, Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, double-spouted ewer 

Fontana Workshop, Urbino

Alfeo e Aretusa, Salmacis ed Ermafrodito, brocca a doppio beccuccio

Officina Fontana, Urbino


This ewer is among the most fantastically and elaborately sculptural examples of Urbino maiolica of the later sixteenth century. Its elaborately moulded shape is in the spirit of the fantastic objects in carved hardstone and precious metal made by Jacques Bylivert and Bernardo Buontalenti in the Granducal workshops of Florence for successive Medici Grand-Dukes of Tuscany, during the second half of the sixteenth century. Objects like this would have been intended purely for display.    

Questa brocca è tra gli esempi più fantasiosi ed elaborati di maiolica urbinate del tardo Cinquecento. La sua forma elaborata è nello spirito degli oggetti fantastici in pietra dura intagliata e metallo prezioso realizzati da Jacques Bylivert e Bernardo Buontalenti nelle botteghe granducali di Firenze per i successivi Granduchi Medici di Toscana, durante la seconda metà del XVI secolo. Oggetti come questo erano destinati esclusivamente all’esposizione.

FONTANA WORKSHOP, Urbino (manufacturer)
Alpheus and Arethusa, Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, double-spouted ewer (c. 1570-1580)
earthenware (maiolica)
28.2 x 28.8 x 18.5 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Felton Bequest, 1971

View in Collection Online