Cecco del Caravaggio (Francesco Buoneri)<br/>
active in Italy 1610–1620<br/>
<em>Guardian angel with Saints Ursula and Thomas</em> (<em>Angelo custode con sant'Orsola e san Tommaso</em>) c.1615<br/>
oil on canvas<br/>
208.0 x 106.0<br/>
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid<br/>
Acquired with funds from the Villaescusa Legacy, 1993 (P07678)<br/>

Darkness & Light

Caravaggio & his World

NGV International

Ground Level

11 Mar 04 – 30 Apr 04

Darkness & Light: Caravaggio & his World features key paintings demonstrating the scope and quality of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio’s (1571-1610) revolutionary vision.

Almost instantly after his arrival in Rome, Caravaggio’s style was taken up by other artists and over the ensuing decades it spread through most of Europe. Darkness & Light: Caravaggio & his World includes outstanding works by these Caravaggisti, including Bartolomeo Manfredi, Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi, Georges de la Tour, Jusepe de Ribera and Gerrit von Honthorst.

Darkness & Light: Caravaggio & his World is jointly organised by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne and the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney.