Collection Areas Australian Painting (1,764) Portrait of a lady of rank with her daughter Aby ALTSON; Anthony van DYCK (after) Autumn in the Fitzroy Gardens John MATHER Waterpool near Coleraine (sunset) Louis BUVELOT J. B. Were Conway HART Sea idyll Rupert BUNNY Moonrise David DAVIES Los borrachos E. Phillips FOX Study for Autumn G. F. FOLINGSBY Aesopus John LONGSTAFF; Diego VELÁZQUEZ (after) Entombment of Christ John LONGSTAFF; TITIAN (after) Jackson's Creek, Sunbury Henry GRITTEN Summer afternoon, Templestowe Louis BUVELOT The sirens John LONGSTAFF Winter morning near Heidelberg Louis BUVELOT A Sheikh and his son entering Cairo on their return from a pilgrimage to Mecca Robert DOWLING To the workhouse Emma Minnie BOYD Study for picture of G. D. Carter, Mayor, Melbourne, 1885 G. F. FOLINGSBY Lord Melbourne Robert DOWLING Dr Maund Nicholas CHEVALIER Spring in the valley of the Mitta Mitta with the Bogong Ranges Eugene von GUÉRARD Mount Kosciusko, seen from the Victorian border (Mount Hope Ranges) Eugene von GUÉRARD The Buffalo Ranges Nicholas CHEVALIER Fish, fruit and flowers Henry SHORT Mirror piece Ian BURN Summer in the you beaut country John OLSEN Scale from the tool Robert MacPHERSON Untitled Robert MacPHERSON 52 displacements: one year's work, unit 40 Imants TILLERS Landscape (Salt Lake) Sidney NOLAN 52 displacements: one year's work, unit 6 Imants TILLERS 59 pages12345678910111213