Film credits

Contemporary footage of Le Cannet filmed by videographer Thibault Menu, 2023

Postcards of Cannes, France
early twentieth century
Published by the Etablissement de Photographie Giletta, Nice, France

Map of Cannes and Le Cannet
early twentieth century
Published by Guides Pol (la Société des Guides Pol)

Henri-Cartier Bresson
Images PAR45798, PAR18609, PAR161996, PAR18606, PAR18613, PAR18597, PAR18600
French painter Pierre Bonnard at home, Le Cannet, Alpes-Maritimes, France
Images © Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson/Magnum Photos

Brassaï (dit), Halasz Gyula
Bonnard peignant ses quatre toiles (dont “l’Amandier”)
© Estate Brassaï – RMN-Grand Palais
Photo © RMN-Grand Palais / Michèle Bellot

Pierre Bonnard
A selection of pages from the artist’s daybooks
Courtesy of Bibliothèque nationale de France

André Ostier
Pierre Bonnard