Felix Hatherley, <em>The chaotic identity of humans conveyed through falling apples</em>, 2023, Oil on canvas, 101.5 x 80.0 cm, Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School, Southbank, Wurundjeri Country<br/>
© Felix Hatherley

Top Arts 2025 applications

Top Arts 2025 applications

The annual Top Arts exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria is a celebration of the creativity and talent of young artists across the state. The exhibition showcases outstanding work created by students who have completed VCE Art Making and Exhibiting and VCE Creative Practice.

In 2025 we are excited to present an exhibition which reveals the creativity, innovation and insight of the top performing students of the year.

Applications to Top Arts are open from 9am Friday 6th September to midnight Sunday 22nd October 2024

If you are interested in applying for Top Arts 2025, please follow these steps:


Download these instructions and follow the steps to complete your application email
Download instructions


Email your application with images of your work and an authentication record to topartssubmission@ngv.vic.gov.au.

By submitting your application you consent to the National Gallery of Victoria’s (NGV) collection and use of the information you provide as part of your Top Arts 2025 application. The NGV will use the information that you provide as part of your Top Arts 2025 application (including information about your artwork) to administer your participation in the Top Arts 2025 process. This may include, but is not limited to, shortlisting applications, exhibiting works by successful applicants, and promotional activities. The information you provide may be disclosed to and used by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and/or any relevant contractors, in relation to these purposes. The NGV may not be able to process your application if the information requested is not provided.
For more information about privacy at the NGV, please see our Information Privacy Policy and our Privacy Statement.

Selection criteria

Exemplary resolved artworks and folio/support material are selected from a range of media, themes and approaches based on their demonstration of the following criteria:

  • Fulfil the assessment criteria for VCE Creative Practice or VCE Art Making and Exhibiting
  • Strong conceptual development
  • Imaginative and individual qualities
  • Technical excellence
  • An awareness of aesthetic considerations
  • An awareness of past and contemporary art practices

Works must also fulfil the following technical requirements:

  • Be appropriate for public exhibition
  • Fit exhibition constraints including space and safe weight restrictions
  • Be suitable for display purposes in regard to fragility and power needs and stable enough to be shown for the duration of the exhibition, for example, works on paper must be suitable for mounting, framing or pinning.
  • Have copyright clearance for all non-original material used

If you’ve applied, thank you! All applications submitted by students will be assessed by the jurors for shortlisting.

The shortlisting process will be completed by mid-late November 2024. All applicants will be notified of shortlist results at that time.

Email us at topartsenquiries@ngv.vic.gov.au if you are having trouble.
