Andy WARHOL<br/>
<em>Self-portrait no. 9</em> 1986 <!-- (recto) --><br />

synthetic polymer paint and screenprint on canvas<br />
203.5 x 203.7 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased through The Art Foundation of Victoria with the assistance of the National Gallery Women's Association, Governor, 1987<br />
IC3-1987<br />
© Andy Warhol/ARS, New York. Licensed by Copyright Agency, Australia

Start Here: International Collection 19th – 20th Century, Level 2, NGV International

Artwork 1: Self-portrait no. 9, 1986 | Andy WARHOL
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Artwork 2: The second marriage, 1963 | David HOCKNEY
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Artist Minna Gilligan explores hero works from our twentieth century galleries, including Andy Warhol’s Self-portrait no. 9 and David Hockney’s The second marriage, leading a drawing tutorial with a less traditional approach that focuses on colour and fun.

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