Kuruwarriyingathi Bijarrb Paula Paul<br/>
<em>My country</em> 2009 <!-- (recto) --><br />

synthetic polymer paint on canvas<br />
198.1 x 305.2 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, NGV Supporters of Indigenous Art, 2009<br />
2009.578<br />
© Kuruwarriyingathi Bijarrb Paula Paul/Copyright Agency, Australia

Studying in Melbourne and keen to get away from the books and learn more about Australia? Looking for fun events to do with your friends virtually? Love the NGV but not sure how to enjoy the collection when the Gallery is closed? Our Meet NGV programs are designed for international students and their friends to connect with art and each other.

Kuruwarriyingathi Bijarrb Paula Paul
My country 2009
synthetic polymer paint on canvas
198.1 x 305.2 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased, NGV Supporters of Indigenous Art, 2009
© Kuruwarriyingathi Bijarrb Paula Paul/Copyright Agency, Australia

Virtual Meet NGV: Australian Adventures

Adventure around Australia with art on your study breaks. Check-in online each week to meet your guides and explore iconic Australian destinations with some new friends through the eyes of local artists. Starting with Melbourne, the journey continues over four weeks across deserts, coasts and islands. Meet fellow students, share your own travel experiences and test your knowledge in a fun quiz each week! All levels of English speakers welcome.

Our free Meet NGV events for international and local university and college students are co-hosted by the NGV team and NGV International Student Ambassadors.

Meet NGV is funded through Study Melbourne’s International Student Welfare Program, a Victorian Government initiative.