A Sense of Place: David Lancashire in Conversation, image courtesy of Dominic Hofstede.

A Sense of Place: David Lancashire in Conversation Presented by Dominic Hofstede

Sat 20 May 23, 1.30pm–2.45pm

A Sense of Place: David Lancashire in Conversation, image courtesy of Dominic Hofstede.
Past program

Free entry

NGV International

Education Theatre
Level 1 Mezzanine

David Lancashire is one of Australia’s most renowned and respected graphic designers. He studied fine arts at the Circle Studio from the age of eleven and went into design studios and advertising before emigrating to Australia in 1966.

In 1976, he started his own studio in Melbourne, working on packaging, corporate identity programmes and publication design. He had a life-changing experience when he began working with Indigenous Australians on visitor centres and museums in 1993, interpreting one of the oldest cultures on earth.

In conversation with fellow designer Dominic Hofstede, David will reflect upon the critical transformative moments of his rich and varied career, and discuss the importance of legacy in a profession where so much is ephemeral.

Auslan interpreting is available upon request, please use contact link below. Requests must be sent at least 10 days prior to event. 

David Lancashire

David Lancashire is an interpretive designer for exhibitions, signage, multimedia, branding, packaging and publications. He has been recognized with numerous awards and mentions in books and has more than thirty-five years experience in the industry.

Dominic Hofstede

Dominic Hofstede is a partner in the international design studio Mucho. In 2009, he established recollection.com.au, an online archive of Australian graphic design from 1960 to 1990. In 2014 he was appointed an adjunct senior research fellow at Monash Art, Design and Architecture where he is a teaching associate in communication design.


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