Ron Mueck, <em>Head Space</em>, 2022, augmented reality. Courtesy of Ron Mueck, Acute Art, Fed Square, NGV, ACMI & Koorie Heritage Trust supported by Creative Victoria.<br/>

AR.Trail | NGV International Introductory Tour

Sun 18 Sep 22, 2pm

Ron Mueck, <em>Head Space</em>, 2022, augmented reality. Courtesy of Ron Mueck, Acute Art, Fed Square, NGV, ACMI & Koorie Heritage Trust supported by Creative Victoria.<br/>
Past program

Free entry

NGV International

Meet: Information Desk
Ground Level

Join a free introductory tour to discover invisible art at NGV International, St Kilda Road.

Part of AR.Trail, a ground-breaking virtual platform across the Melbourne Arts Precinct that creates new and innovative ways for Australian contemporary artists to present their work and exciting ways for audiences to experience them.

Download Acute Art App

Developed in collaboration with Fed Square, ACMI, Koorie Heritage Trust and Acute Art.

Tours Contemporary AR.Trail