<em>Bell of Duke Wu of Qin, Qin gong bo</em> <br/>
Spring and Autumn Period 771–475 BCE<br/>
64.2 x 26.2 x 22.4 cm <br/>
Excavated at Taigongmiao Village, Chencang District, Baoji, 1978<br/>
Baoji Bronze Museum, Baoji (02756/IA5.5)<br/>

Asia Society at NGV: Qin to Xi – China’s World View, Then and Now

Thu 11 Jul 19, 6.30pm–7.30pm

CHINESE<br/> <em>Bell of Duke Wu of Qin, Qin gong bo</em> <br/> 秦公镈(带挂钩)<br/> Spring and Autumn Period 771–475 BCE<br/> bronze<br/> 64.2 x 26.2 x 22.4 cm <br/> Excavated at Taigongmiao Village, Chencang District, Baoji, 1978<br/> Baoji Bronze Museum, Baoji (02756/IA5.5)<br/>
Past program

Free entry

NGV International

Clemenger BBDO Auditorium (enter north entrance, via Arts Centre forecourt)
Ground Level

Hearing loops and accessible seating are available.

Consider how China’s perception of itself has changed since the time of the terracotta warriors burial in the Qin Dynasty to the China we see under President Xi Jinping today.

Includes an opportunity to view Terracotta Warriors: Guardians of Immortality and Cai Guo-Qiang: The Transient Landscape from 5.15–6.15pm.

Presented in partnership with Asia Society Australia.


Rowan Callick is an author and columnist who has run a publishing business in Papua New Guinea before moving to Australia. He has worked as a China Correspondent for The Australian Financial Review and The Australian, completing his last posting in 2018 before returning to Melbourne.


Dr Bates Gill is an academically-trained and internationally-respected China specialist. He has led a global top-ten think tank and held academic and research positions at world-leading universities and public policy research institutions in the United States, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific. Currently at the Security Studies Department at Macquarie University he has previously held positions at Australian National University and the University of Sydney.

Professor Antonia Finnane is a graduate of the University of Sydney and the ANU with a PhD in Chinese history. She has studied and worked in China for varying periods since the 1970s with a research focus on the social and cultural history of China in the last half millennium. She is the author of Speaking of Yangzhou: A Chinese City, 1550-1850.

Professor Baogang He is the Alfred Deakin Professor & Chair in International Relations at Deakin University. Professor He has become widely known for his work in Chinese democratization and politics covering Asian regionalism, Asian federalism and Asian multiculturalism.

This is an Auslan interpreted program.

Access Auslan Talks Antiquities Asia Contemporary Terracotta Warriors & Cai Guo-Qiang