<em>Door ring holder in the form of a mythological beast, Pushou</em><br/>
Han Dynasty 207 BCE –220 CE<br/>
35.6 x 34.2 x 14.7 cm<br/>
Excavated at the southeast of Maoling mausoleum, Xingping, 1975<br/>
Maoling Museum, Xingping (0640)<br/>

Asia Society at NGV: The Silk Road Reimagined

Tue 6 Aug 19, 6.30pm–7.30pm

Past program

Free entry

NGV International

Clemenger BBDO Auditorium (enter north entrance, via Arts Centre forecourt)
Ground Level

Hearing loops and accessible seating are available.

Explore China’s ambitious One Belt One Road project and how it is transforming the region.

Includes an opportunity to view Terracotta Warriors: Guardians of Immortality and Cai Guo-Qiang: The Transient Landscape from 5.15–6.15pm.

Presented in partnership with Asia Society Australia.


Daniel Russel is Vice President for International Security and Diplomacy at the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI). A career member of the Senior Foreign Service at the U.S. Department of State, Mr. Russel served at the White House as Special Assistant to the President and National Security Council (NSC) Senior Director for Asian Affairs where he helped formulate President Obama’s strategic rebalance to the Asia Pacific region.

Dr Shirley Yu is a former China National Television News Anchor and is currently a senior visiting fellow at the London School of Economics and an Asia fellow with the Ash Center of Harvard Kennedy School. She has a PhD in Political Economy and a Master’s degree in Government. Dr Yu has published three books in Chinese, including On China, by Ambassadors, Rise of the RMB and Fall of the Yen.

Jason Fitts is the Regional Specialist for China in Global Victoria in the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions. At the Australian Embassy in Beijing, he worked in the economic section covering areas including bilateral trade and investment and has worked in the China Australia Governance Program undertaking projects on economic governance. He has a Master’s in Public Policy and speaks and reads Mandarin.

This is an Auslan interpreted program.

Access Auslan Talks Antiquities Asia Contemporary Terracotta Warriors & Cai Guo-Qiang