John GLOVER<br/>
<em>The River Nile, Van Diemen's Land, from Mr Glover's farm</em> 1837 <!-- (recto) --><br />

oil on canvas<br />
76.4 x 114.6 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Felton Bequest, 1956<br />
3359-4<br />


Colony to Nation for EAL teaching and learning

Thu 8 Sep 22, 4pm–5pm

John GLOVER<br/> <em>The River Nile, Van Diemen's Land, from Mr Glover's farm</em> 1837 <!-- (recto) --><br /> oil on canvas<br /> 76.4 x 114.6 cm<br /> National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br /> Felton Bequest, 1956<br /> 3359-4<br /> <!--5631-->
Past program

This program takes place virtually

Experience teaching and learning in the Gallery through NGV’s Colony to Nation resources for English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners. Connect virtually with an NGV Educator at The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia to view and discuss some of the artworks that appear in the resources, and practice strategies for engaging your students with art at the Gallery or in the classroom.

Cost: Free

Featuring practical EAL teaching strategies, the Colony to Nation resources are flexibly designed to develop your confidence in engaging students with Australian history through works in the NGV Collection.

View resource

This program is presented in collaboration with VicTESOL
