Frederick McCUBBIN<br/>
<em>Home again</em> 1884 <!-- (recto) --><br />

oil on canvas<br />
85.0 x 123.0 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased through The Art Foundation of Victoria with the assistance of G. J. Coles and Company Pty Ltd, Governor, 1981<br />
A2-1981<br />


Finding Stories through Art with Gabrielle Wang

Mon 8 Nov 21, 9.30am–11am

Frederick McCUBBIN<br/> <em>Home again</em> 1884 <!-- (recto) --><br /> oil on canvas<br /> 85.0 x 123.0 cm<br /> National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br /> Purchased through The Art Foundation of Victoria with the assistance of G. J. Coles and Company Pty Ltd, Governor, 1981<br /> A2-1981<br /> <!--5970-->
Past program

Free entry

This program takes place virtually

Levels 3-4

Imagine an artwork as a snapshot of a moment in time. What happened before and what happens next? Join children’s author and illustrator Gabrielle Wang to step inside the world of a character and create stories inspired by artworks in the NGV Collection. Discover how artists create meaning and draw your emotions through a series of guided visualisation exercises.

This virtual program includes both writing and drawing activities.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop ideas for characters, settings and plots by responding to art from the NGV Collection.
  • Produce drawings and short pieces of writing inspired by artworks
  • Plan, draft and share original works appropriate to audience and purpose

About the Author:

Gabrielle Wang is a children’s author and illustrator whose books are a blend of Chinese and Western culture with a touch of fantasy. She has won the Aurealis Award for Best Children’s Long Fiction twice and her novels have been named Notables in the Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards. Two of her works were Highly Commended in the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards and her first novel, The Garden of Empress Cassia was listed on the USBBY Outstanding International Books Honour List. Wang has published sixteen children’s novels with Penguin Books Australia and a picture book, The Race for the Chinese Zodiac with Walker Books. She has been published internationally in the US, UK, China, South America and Korea. Wang is also author of two of the very popular Our Australian Girl series, Poppy and Pearlie. Her latest novel is Ting Ting the Ghosthunter the sequel to A Ghost in My Suitcase.

This program is part of Creative Catalyst, a program for high ability students attending Victorian Government schools.

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