VOGUE Magazine November 15, 1926 (Campbell-Pretty Fashion Research Collection)

Fine Art Meets High Fashion

Sat 18 Mar 23, 1pm–1.45pm

VOGUE Magazine November 15, 1926 (Campbell-Pretty Fashion Research Collection)
Past program

Free entry

NGV International

Level 1 Mezzanine

Fashion magazines have played an influential role in disseminating new ideas about art and design for over 200 years.

Learn about the relationship between fashion magazines and key twentieth century art movements, including Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Surrealism, with NGV Curator Dr Maria Quirk and University of Melbourne Professor of Cultural Studies, Natalya Lusty.

What has been the role of magazines in influencing and reflecting not only trends for women’s fashion, but the changing role of women in society and culture more broadly?


Dr Maria Quirk is Curator, Research and Collections at the NGV. A historian of women’s and art histories, she previously held teaching and research positions at the University of Queensland, Deakin University and the State Library of Queensland. 

Natalya Lusty is Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Melbourne and an ARC Future Fellow (2018-2022). Her work examines the aesthetic, political and cultural forms of modernism and modernity, including fashion. She is a co-founder of the Critical Fashion Studies research group at the University of Melbourne.

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