ZIMMERMANN, Sydney (fashion house)<br />
 Nicky ZIMMERMANN (designer)<br/>
<em>Look 42, gown, boots and earrings</em> 2023 {Luminosity collection, autumn-winter 2023} <!-- (front view ) --><br />

silk linen, nylon (crinoline, net), polyester (thread), cotton, leather, metal, plastic, metal (fastenings)<br />
(a) 107.0 cm (centre back) 36.0 cm (waist, flat) (gown) (b-c) 22.0 x 11.0 x 30.0 cm (boots) (each) (d-e) 18.0 x 2.5 x 2.0 cm (each) (earrings)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of the artist, 2023<br />
2023.705.a-e<br />


Gallery Visits You Online Conversations inspired by Australian Art

Wed 26 Feb, 10.45am–11.30am

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ZIMMERMANN, Sydney (fashion house)<br /> Nicky ZIMMERMANN (designer)<br/> <em>Look 42, gown, boots and earrings</em> 2023 {Luminosity collection, autumn-winter 2023} <!-- (front view ) --><br /> silk linen, nylon (crinoline, net), polyester (thread), cotton, leather, metal, plastic, metal (fastenings)<br /> (a) 107.0 cm (centre back) 36.0 cm (waist, flat) (gown) (b-c) 22.0 x 11.0 x 30.0 cm (boots) (each) (d-e) 18.0 x 2.5 x 2.0 cm (each) (earrings)<br /> National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br /> Gift of the artist, 2023<br /> 2023.705.a-e<br /> <!--152843-->


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NGV Education Bookings

8620 2340, 9am–5pm weekdays

Are you interested in a visit to the National Gallery of Victoria but cannot physically visit? We would love to see you, your community group or aged care centre online through our program Gallery Visits You. 

Join NGV Educators in conversation each month as they introduce highlight works from the NGV Collection and exhibitions. No prior art knowledge or experience is required.

In February join a conversation inspired by a selection of historical and contemporary Australian artworks. The session will include a discussion about some of the fascinating dialogues between works on display at the Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia.

Online Event Instructions

Only one booking per group is required. Booked participants will receive an email prior to the event including a link to connect to the online program.

Seniors Australia