Colin McCAHON<br/>
<em>One</em> 1965 <!-- (recto) --><br />

synthetic polymer paint and polyvinyl acetate on composition board<br />
60.9 x 60.9 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased through The Art Foundation of Victoria with the assistance of Mr Robert Raynor AM, Honorary Life Benefactor, 1999<br />
1999.324<br />
© Colin McCahon Research and Publication Trust

Introduction to Colin McCahon

Sat 22 Feb 20, 11am–11.30am

Colin McCAHON<br/> <em>One</em> 1965 <!-- (recto) --><br /> synthetic polymer paint and polyvinyl acetate on composition board<br /> 60.9 x 60.9 cm<br /> National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br /> Purchased through The Art Foundation of Victoria with the assistance of Mr Robert Raynor AM, Honorary Life Benefactor, 1999<br /> 1999.324<br /> © Colin McCahon Research and Publication Trust <!--66578-->
Past program

Free entry

NGV International

Exhibition space
Level 3

NGV curator Jane Devery introduces audiences to the work of Aotearoa/New Zealand artist Colin McCahon, one of the most inventive and visionary artists of the twentieth century.

Jane Devery, Curator, Contemporary Art, NGV
Talks International Modernism Colin McCahon