<em>Chariot #1 (Qin dynasty replica)</em><br/>
bronze <br/>
152.0 x 225.0 cm  <br/>
Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum, Xi'an (MMYL007)<br/>

Educator Evening Terracotta Warriors: Guardians of Immortality | Cai Guo-Qiang: The Transient Landscape

Fri 14 Jun 19, 6pm

CHINESE<br/> <em>Chariot #1 (Qin dynasty replica)</em><br/> 1号铜车马(复制品)<br/> bronze <br/> 152.0 x 225.0 cm <br/> Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum, Xi'an (MMYL007)<br/>
Past program

NGV International

Ground Level

Join colleagues for an introduction to the exhibition with curator Wayne Crothers followed by entry to NGV Friday Nights, which features music, bars, dining and late-night access to the exhibition. Includes light refreshments on arrival. Bookings essential.

Cost $25

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