THE MASTER OF THE SANTA FELICITÀ ADORATION OF THE MAGI<br> <em>Trajan and the Widow: a panel from a cassone</em> (c. 1450) <br>   tempera and gold on panel<br> 47.0 x 161.0 cm<br>   National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br> Gift of Robert Compton Jones through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program, 2019<br> 2019.410

Art in Focus: Trajan and the Widow

Tue 19 May 20, 1pm–1.30pm

THE MASTER OF THE SANTA FELICITÀ ADORATION OF THE MAGI<br> <em>Trajan and the Widow: a panel from a cassone</em> (c. 1450) <br> tempera and gold on panel<br> 47.0 x 161.0 cm<br> National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br> Gift of Robert Compton Jones through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program, 2019<br> 2019.410
Past program


This program takes place virtually

Uncover the true-crime story and meaning behind The Master of the Santa Felicità’s Adoration of the Magi, Trajan and the Widow, and through a close visual analysis, learn about the context and story behind its creation.

This talk will be delivered online via Webex Events.

Ten minutes before the scheduled start time please join here and provide the event password ArtFocus#1905.

Dr Ted Gott, Senior Curator, International Art, NGV
Carl Villis, Senior Conservator of Paintings, NGV
Talks and discussions International NGV Collection Painting Virtual