StArt Up: Top Arts 2014

Folio: Claire Kopietz – VCE Studio Arts

SAT 1 – Criterion 1 –

Use of an exploration proposal to define the development of an individual design process that includes a plan of how the proposal will be undertaken

Claire has used the exploration proposal to define her explorations and outline the development of a design process.

Her proposal includes individual development of subject matter / ideas, inspiration / motivation, which include artists, and personal and family memories and objects. She also discusses why she has included this inspiration. Inspiration of any kind can appear at the beginning and throughout the design process, but should not be pages and pages of cut-outs from magazines or download images from the internet without reference to communication of concepts and ideas.

Claire makes reference to aesthetic qualities, how she will use aesthetics to affect viewers, and to communicate concepts and ideas.  Just writing a list of elements and principles does not show a perceptive discussion of ideas.

Claire shows how she intends to explore materials and techniques, detailing the exploration and how using these specific materials and techniques to communicate their concepts and ideas, are also appropriate for the task.

Planning exploration and development, both visual and written can be in the form of a timeline or written as part of the overall Exploration Proposal document.  There must be some evidence of planning the development process – Claire has done this as a table.

Some schools use a pro forma which does not always allow for individual ideas and planning. The ideas are usually simplistic, showing little understanding of aesthetics or how materials and techniques will assist in the communication of ideas.

Students can include brainstorming and inspirational material as part of the exploration proposal.  The shorter exploration proposals are often descriptive and students write lists of aesthetics and materials and techniques without explanation.

All work included must be relevant to the students concepts and ideas.

SAT 1 – Criterion 1 –

Use of an exploration proposal to define the development of an individual design process that includes a plan of how the proposal will be undertaken

Claire has used the exploration proposal to define her explorations and outline the development of a design process.

Her proposal includes individual development of subject matter / ideas, inspiration / motivation, which include artists, and personal and family memories and objects. She also discusses why she has included this inspiration. Inspiration of any kind can appear at the beginning and throughout the design process, but should not be pages and pages of cut-outs from magazines or download images from the internet without reference to communication of concepts and ideas.

Claire makes reference to aesthetic qualities, how she will use aesthetics to affect viewers, and to communicate concepts and ideas.  Just writing a list of elements and principles does not show a perceptive discussion of ideas.

Claire shows how she intends to explore materials and techniques, detailing the exploration and how using these specific materials and techniques to communicate their concepts and ideas, are also appropriate for the task.

Planning exploration and development, both visual and written can be in the form of a timeline or written as part of the overall Exploration Proposal document.  There must be some evidence of planning the development process – Claire has done this as a table.

Some schools use a pro forma which does not always allow for individual ideas and planning. The ideas are usually simplistic, showing little understanding of aesthetics or how materials and techniques will assist in the communication of ideas.

Students can include brainstorming and inspirational material as part of the exploration proposal.  The shorter exploration proposals are often descriptive and students write lists of aesthetics and materials and techniques without explanation.

All work included must be relevant to the students concepts and ideas.

SAT 1 – Criterion 1 –

Use of an exploration proposal to define the development of an individual design process that includes a plan of how the proposal will be undertaken

Claire has used the exploration proposal to define her explorations and outline the development of a design process.

Her proposal includes individual development of subject matter / ideas, inspiration / motivation, which include artists, and personal and family memories and objects. She also discusses why she has included this inspiration. Inspiration of any kind can appear at the beginning and throughout the design process, but should not be pages and pages of cut-outs from magazines or download images from the internet without reference to communication of concepts and ideas.

Claire makes reference to aesthetic qualities, how she will use aesthetics to affect viewers, and to communicate concepts and ideas.  Just writing a list of elements and principles does not show a perceptive discussion of ideas.

Claire shows how she intends to explore materials and techniques, detailing the exploration and how using these specific materials and techniques to communicate their concepts and ideas, are also appropriate for the task.

Planning exploration and development, both visual and written can be in the form of a timeline or written as part of the overall Exploration Proposal document.  There must be some evidence of planning the development process – Claire has done this as a table.

Some schools use a pro forma which does not always allow for individual ideas and planning. The ideas are usually simplistic, showing little understanding of aesthetics or how materials and techniques will assist in the communication of ideas.

Students can include brainstorming and inspirational material as part of the exploration proposal.  The shorter exploration proposals are often descriptive and students write lists of aesthetics and materials and techniques without explanation.

All work included must be relevant to the students concepts and ideas.

SAT 1 – Criterion 1 –

Use of an exploration proposal to define the development of an individual design process that includes a plan of how the proposal will be undertaken

Claire has used the exploration proposal to define her explorations and outline the development of a design process.

Her proposal includes individual development of subject matter / ideas, inspiration / motivation, which include artists, and personal and family memories and objects. She also discusses why she has included this inspiration. Inspiration of any kind can appear at the beginning and throughout the design process, but should not be pages and pages of cut-outs from magazines or download images from the internet without reference to communication of concepts and ideas.

Claire makes reference to aesthetic qualities, how she will use aesthetics to affect viewers, and to communicate concepts and ideas.  Just writing a list of elements and principles does not show a perceptive discussion of ideas.

Claire shows how she intends to explore materials and techniques, detailing the exploration and how using these specific materials and techniques to communicate their concepts and ideas, are also appropriate for the task.

Planning exploration and development, both visual and written can be in the form of a timeline or written as part of the overall Exploration Proposal document.  There must be some evidence of planning the development process – Claire has done this as a table.

Some schools use a pro forma which does not always allow for individual ideas and planning. The ideas are usually simplistic, showing little understanding of aesthetics or how materials and techniques will assist in the communication of ideas.

Students can include brainstorming and inspirational material as part of the exploration proposal.  The shorter exploration proposals are often descriptive and students write lists of aesthetics and materials and techniques without explanation.

All work included must be relevant to the students concepts and ideas.

SAT 1 – Criterion 2 –

Exploration and development of subject matter and ideas within the design process that are related to concepts and ideas described in the exploration proposal

This criterion assesses how Claire has explored and developed her subject matter and a range of ideas related to the concepts defined in her exploration proposal.

Sources of inspiration and motivation have been investigated. Claire clearly shows ways in which her ideas contribute to her imagery both in her annotations and images.

Claire’s ideas have been progressively developed, clarified and refined as she has developed her own personal imagery in her film making.

SAT 1 – Criterion 2 –

Exploration and development of subject matter and ideas within the design process that are related to concepts and ideas described in the exploration proposal

This criterion assesses how Claire has explored and developed her subject matter and a range of ideas related to the concepts defined in her exploration proposal.

Sources of inspiration and motivation have been investigated. Claire clearly shows ways in which her ideas contribute to her imagery both in her annotations and images.

Claire’s ideas have been progressively developed, clarified and refined as she has developed her own personal imagery in her film making.

SAT 1 – Criterion 2 –

Exploration and development of subject matter and ideas within the design process that are related to concepts and ideas described in the exploration proposal

This criterion assesses how Claire has explored and developed her subject matter and a range of ideas related to the concepts defined in her exploration proposal.

Sources of inspiration and motivation have been investigated. Claire clearly shows ways in which her ideas contribute to her imagery both in her annotations and images.

Claire’s ideas have been progressively developed, clarified and refined as she has developed her own personal imagery in her film making.

SAT 1 – Criterion 3 –

Exploration and development of aesthetic qualities in the design process relevant to the ideas described in the exploration proposal

Claire has provided visual and written documentation that demonstrates how a range of visual elements contribute to the aesthetic qualities relevant to her ideas and subject matter. The aesthetic qualities have been developed in such a way that they enhance the communication of ideas discussed in the exploration proposal.

Claire has used the exploration proposal to discuss the use of art elements and apply this knowledge to the production of art explorations. There are cohesive links between the use of aesthetics and the concepts and ideas discussed in the proposal.

The images that Claire has used are well developed, personal and individual and do not rely on borrowed images and the aesthetics of others.

Her written annotation clarifies her ideas and reflects her understanding of visual elements.

SAT 1 – Criterion 3 –

Exploration and development of aesthetic qualities in the design process relevant to the ideas described in the exploration proposal

Claire has provided visual and written documentation that demonstrates how a range of visual elements contribute to the aesthetic qualities relevant to her ideas and subject matter. The aesthetic qualities have been developed in such a way that they enhance the communication of ideas discussed in the exploration proposal.

Claire has used the exploration proposal to discuss the use of art elements and apply this knowledge to the production of art explorations. There are cohesive links between the use of aesthetics and the concepts and ideas discussed in the proposal.

The images that Claire has used are well developed, personal and individual and do not rely on borrowed images and the aesthetics of others.

Her written annotation clarifies her ideas and reflects her understanding of visual elements.

SAT 1 – Criterion 3 –

Exploration and development of aesthetic qualities in the design process relevant to the ideas described in the exploration proposal

Claire has provided visual and written documentation that demonstrates how a range of visual elements contribute to the aesthetic qualities relevant to her ideas and subject matter. The aesthetic qualities have been developed in such a way that they enhance the communication of ideas discussed in the exploration proposal.

Claire has used the exploration proposal to discuss the use of art elements and apply this knowledge to the production of art explorations. There are cohesive links between the use of aesthetics and the concepts and ideas discussed in the proposal.

The images that Claire has used are well developed, personal and individual and do not rely on borrowed images and the aesthetics of others.

Her written annotation clarifies her ideas and reflects her understanding of visual elements.

SAT 1 – Criterion 4 –

Exploration of materials and development of techniques and processes within the design process relevant to the art form(s) and ideas described in the exploration proposal

Claire has developed and refined techniques, as well as explored materials appropriate to her selected art form. This has been documented in the exploration proposal. Discussion of how the use of materials and techniques has assisted in the communication of the concepts and ideas written in the exploration proposal is evident throughout the development folio. There is progressive development and refinement in the use of materials and techniques and a clear understanding of the specific requirements of each.

SAT 1 – Criterion 4 –

Exploration of materials and development of techniques and processes within the design process relevant to the art form(s) and ideas described in the exploration proposal

Claire has developed and refined techniques, as well as explored materials appropriate to her selected art form. This has been documented in the exploration proposal. Discussion of how the use of materials and techniques has assisted in the communication of the concepts and ideas written in the exploration proposal is evident throughout the development folio. There is progressive development and refinement in the use of materials and techniques and a clear understanding of the specific requirements of each.

SAT 1 – Criterion 5 –

Evaluation of exploratory and development work throughout the design process

Evaluation in Claire’s folio has taken place progressively. The annotation clarifies and demonstrates a consolidation of ideas and clearly shows a process of analysis and selection to identify range of potential directions.

Students’ annotations should clarify and consolidate ideas and clearly show a process of analysis, selection and identify a range of potential directions. There should be detailed analysis that clarifies their ideas and demonstrates how they will develop their skills in a variety of areas. The annotation must clearly identify potential directions.

Claire has been able to give insightful written responses to her explorations that prove that she understands the relationship between the evaluation of her work and the development of her ideas. She has used this criterion to clarify her working methods and practical skills rather than just writing a list of likes and dislikes. All documentation relates to the concepts and ideas expressed in the Exploration Proposal.

SAT 1 – Criterion 5 –

Evaluation of exploratory and development work throughout the design process

Evaluation in Claire’s folio has taken place progressively. The annotation clarifies and demonstrates a consolidation of ideas and clearly shows a process of analysis and selection to identify range of potential directions.

Students’ annotations should clarify and consolidate ideas and clearly show a process of analysis, selection and identify a range of potential directions. There should be detailed analysis that clarifies their ideas and demonstrates how they will develop their skills in a variety of areas. The annotation must clearly identify potential directions.

Claire has been able to give insightful written responses to her explorations that prove that she understands the relationship between the evaluation of her work and the development of her ideas. She has used this criterion to clarify her working methods and practical skills rather than just writing a list of likes and dislikes. All documentation relates to the concepts and ideas expressed in the Exploration Proposal.

SAT 1 – Criterion 6 –

Selection and evaluation of a range of potential directions that will form the basis of artworks in Unit 4

The nature of the potential directions in students’ work will vary according to the characteristics of individual art forms and may contribute in their entirety or in part to final works in students’ folios.

Potential directions have been developed progressively throughout the design process in Claire’s folio. Annotation has been used to identify potential directions as part of Claire’s process of evaluation. It should be noted that a range of potential directions is called for and that, therefore, one potential direction does not satisfy the requirements of this task.

Claire’s folio includes a wide range of potential directions through the design process. Annotation has been used to explain the choice of particular directions, what will be used within that direction and how it relates to the ideas and concepts outlined in the exploration proposal.

SAT 1 – Criterion 6 –

Selection and evaluation of a range of potential directions that will form the basis of artworks in Unit 4

The nature of the potential directions in students’ work will vary according to the characteristics of individual art forms and may contribute in their entirety or in part to final works in students’ folios.

Potential directions have been developed progressively throughout the design process in Claire’s folio. Annotation has been used to identify potential directions as part of Claire’s process of evaluation. It should be noted that a range of potential directions is called for and that, therefore, one potential direction does not satisfy the requirements of this task.

Claire’s folio includes a wide range of potential directions through the design process. Annotation has been used to explain the choice of particular directions, what will be used within that direction and how it relates to the ideas and concepts outlined in the exploration proposal.

SAT 2 – Criterion 1 –

Documented use of potential directions in producing finished art works

Clear presentation of the potential directions have been identified in Claire’s FRED – Focus, Reflection and Evaluation Documentation. She has used potential directions from SAT 1 as a basis for her finished artworks and this is evident from the visual referencing and annotation of her intentions. You can see that she has scanned the potential directions from her Unit 3 folio as part of her documentation.

SAT 2 – Criterion 1 –

Documented use of potential directions in producing finished art works

Clear presentation of the potential directions have been identified in Claire’s FRED – Focus, Reflection and Evaluation Documentation. She has used potential directions from SAT 1 as a basis for her finished artworks and this is evident from the visual referencing and annotation of her intentions. You can see that she has scanned the potential directions from her Unit 3 folio as part of her documentation.

SAT 2 – Criterion 1 –

Documented use of potential directions in producing finished art works

Clear presentation of the potential directions have been identified in Claire’s FRED – Focus, Reflection and Evaluation Documentation. She has used potential directions from SAT 1 as a basis for her finished artworks and this is evident from the visual referencing and annotation of her intentions. You can see that she has scanned the potential directions from her Unit 3 folio as part of her documentation.

SAT 2 – Criterion 2 –

Communication and resolution of ideas presented in the cohesive folio of finished artworks

There is clear evidence of highly creative and innovative realisation of the communication of individual ideas in finished artworks in Claire’s folio. She makes a very strong connection between her artworks through highly individual subject matter, techniques and aesthetic qualities.

SAT 2 – Criterion 2 –

Communication and resolution of ideas presented in the cohesive folio of finished artworks

There is clear evidence of highly creative and innovative realisation of the communication of individual ideas in finished artworks in Claire’s folio. She makes a very strong connection between her artworks through highly individual subject matter, techniques and aesthetic qualities.

SAT 2 – Criterion 3 –

Application of materials, techniques and processes relevant to the folio of finished artworks

In her written documentation and support material Claire has been consistent in showing her development of materials and techniques. She shows a highly developed, sensitive understanding of how to apply skills to effectively communicate and depict her subject matter and insightful use of the inherent characteristics of the chosen materials and techniques.

SAT 2 – Criterion 3 –

Application of materials, techniques and processes relevant to the folio of finished artworks

In her written documentation and support material Claire has been consistent in showing her development of materials and techniques. She shows a highly developed, sensitive understanding of how to apply skills to effectively communicate and depict her subject matter and insightful use of the inherent characteristics of the chosen materials and techniques.

SAT 2 – Criterion 3 –

Application of materials, techniques and processes relevant to the folio of finished artworks

In her written documentation and support material Claire has been consistent in showing her development of materials and techniques. She shows a highly developed, sensitive understanding of how to apply skills to effectively communicate and depict her subject matter and insightful use of the inherent characteristics of the chosen materials and techniques.

SAT 2 – Criterion 4 –

Documentation that identifies the focus of the folio, evaluates the use of potential directions in the finished artworks and reflects on the cohesive folio

The documentation is very clear in Claire’s folio. She has documented the focus and subject matter, has provided visual evidence of potential directions, and there is explanation of further refinement that has taken place.

SAT 2 – Criterion 4 –

Documentation that identifies the focus of the folio, evaluates the use of potential directions in the finished artworks and reflects on the cohesive folio

The documentation is very clear in Claire’s folio. She has documented the focus and subject matter, has provided visual evidence of potential directions, and there is explanation of further refinement that has taken place.

SAT 2 – Criterion 5 –

Resolution of aesthetic qualities in the artwork that realises and communicates the student’s ideas

Claire shows a thoughtful consideration of aesthetics and has been able to discuss aesthetic elements in a creative and individual manner. There is evidence of creative and individual resolution in each piece she has presented and this has been documented in the FRED.

SAT 2 – Criterion 5 –

Resolution of aesthetic qualities in the artwork that realises and communicates the student’s ideas

Claire shows a thoughtful consideration of aesthetics and has been able to discuss aesthetic elements in a creative and individual manner. There is evidence of creative and individual resolution in each piece she has presented and this has been documented in the FRED.

SAT 2 – Criterion 6 –

Cohesive relationships between finished artworks in the folio

All work presented by Claire has been fully resolved.  There is a strong relationship between each of the finished artworks. It is very evident that Claire has spent an equal amount of time on each of the final works. Often students will concentrate on one work only and then the other is not of equal value, but this is not the case with Claire. She has documented the realisation of the concepts and ideas for their final artworks in their evaluation.

SAT 2 – Criterion 6 –

Cohesive relationships between finished artworks in the folio

All work presented by Claire has been fully resolved.  There is a strong relationship between each of the finished artworks. It is very evident that Claire has spent an equal amount of time on each of the final works. Often students will concentrate on one work only and then the other is not of equal value, but this is not the case with Claire. She has documented the realisation of the concepts and ideas for their final artworks in their evaluation.