COMME DES GARÇONS, Tokyo (fashion house)<br />
 Rei KAWAKUBO (designer)<br/>
<em>Cape, shorts, socks and boots </em> 2014 {Blood and Roses collection, spring-summer 2015} (detail)<br />

cotton, polyester, synthetic leather, nylon, plastic, elastic, rubber<br />
(a) 141.0 cm (centre back) 138.0 cm (hem circumference) (cape) (b) 34.0 cm (waist, flat) 14.5 cm (outer leg) (shorts) (c-d) 27.0 x 24.0 x 0.2 cm (each) (socks) (e-f) 9.0 x 9.5 x 27.5 cm (each) (boots)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of Takamasa Takahashi and David Tune, 2020<br />
2020.815.a-f<br />
© Comme des Garçons
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The spectre of the gardenia Marcel JEAN Citadelle D'Ypres Louis de CHATILLON; Sebastien LE CLERC the elder Siege of Paris Bruno BRAQUEHAIS World’s Fair, Vienna. 103. Russian Imperial Pavilion, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 78. Kaisser Pavilion. South side, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 4. The Kaisser Pavilion, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 26. Fine Arts Gallery: French section, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 57. Fine Arts: France, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. Vendôme column, cabinet print E. ZIÉGLER, Paris (manufacturer) Divan Japonais Henri de TOULOUSE-LAUTREC The ruin Jacques CALLOT Jacques Amelot Robert NANTEUIL Banquet at the Quai d'Orsay, Paris, August 1931. 'A le voilà, le roi des indiscrets!' Erich SALOMON Universal Exposition, Paris. 21. Pavilion of the Prince of Wales, cabinet print E. LADREY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 24. Principality of Monaco, cabinet print E. LADREY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 15. Pavilion of Greece, cabinet print E. LADREY, Paris World’s Fair, Vienna. 9. Italy: Northern Gallery, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 8. In the Rotunda, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 389. In the central hall of the Fine Arts Gallery, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 45. Austrian Gallery, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 49. Fine Arts Gallery: German Reich, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. Dance by Carpeaux, New Opera, cabinet print E. ZIÉGLER, Paris (manufacturer) Public celebrations Eugene CARRIERE Willy FRANCES BURKE FABRICS, Melbourne (manufacturer); Frances BURKE (designer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 59. The rotunda and fountains, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 106. Egyptian group of constructions. Mosque, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) The Dutch officers upon guard Charles CORBUTT (mezzotinter); Cornelius TROOST (after) View of the Quay of the Schiavoni Camille COROT Droschki de Maître and Caleche de Voyage Victor-Jean ADAM Martin Luther Daniel HOPFER; Lucas CRANACH I (after)