Porky Hefer (designer)<br/>
Southern Guild, Cape Town (fabricator)<br/>
<em>Suckerfish</em> designed 2019, manufactured 2020<br/>
from the <em>Plastocene – Marine Mutants from a Disposable World</em> 2020<br/>
masonry twine, resin, PVC pipe, recycled T-shirt yarn, salvaged life jackets, leather, steel<br/>
252.0 x 290.0 x 200.0 cm<br/>
Frame manufacturer: Streetwires<br/>
Crochet and quilting: Mielie<br/>
Upholstery: Leon at CXIXX<br/>
Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br/>
Proposed acquisition with funds donated by Barry Janes and Paul Cross, Neville and Diana Bertalli, 2020<br/>
© Porky Hefer /Image courtesy of Porky Hefer and Southern Guild