This special program explores the extraordinary exhibition, Bark Ladies: Eleven Artists from Yirrkala. Join NGV Curators of Indigenous Art, Myles Russell-Cook and Shonae Hobson as they share the stories behind the NGV’s extraordinary collection of work by Yolŋu women artists from the Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka Centre (Buku), in North-East Arnhem Land.
For more than two decades the NGV has been acquiring important works on bark by women artists from Buku, who before 2000 seldom painted on bark or made ḻarrakitj (painted hollow poles). Bark Ladies: Eleven Artists from Yirrkala is an important exhibition that brings together great singular master artists and shares their important stories with a Melbourne audience.
Spotlight on the NGV Collection is a special online series designed exclusively for supporters of the NGV.