In the first episode of the series, viewers hear from artists Naminapu Maymuru-White and Dhambit Munuŋgurr talk about learning to paint from their family members and their passion to continue to paint today. The episode also features Yolŋu rapper, dancer and 2019 Young Australian of the Year Danzal Baker OAM aka Baker Boy, who grew up in the remote communities of Milingimbi and Maningrida in North-East Arnhem Land and has fused Yolŋu Matha, the language of Yolŋu people, with English in his music and rapping. Yolŋu actress and model Magnolia Maymuru, who grew up in Yirrkala also shares her deep connection to Yolŋu culture and tradition, and the importance of being raised by the strong Yolŋu women in Yirrkala.