Gabrielle Chanel (designer)<br/>
Suit: jacket and skirt <br/>
spring-summer 1961<br/>
Tweed, silk grosgrain, gilt metal, silk pongee<br/>
Patrimoine de CHANEL, Paris<br/>
spring-summer 1961<br/>
Tweed, silk grosgrain, gilt metal, silk pongee<br/>
Patrimoine de CHANEL, Paris<br/>
Photo © Julien T. Hamon<br/>

Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto | Free drop-by Introductory talk

Tue 12 Apr 22, 10.30am

Gabrielle Chanel (designer)<br/> Left:<br/> Suit: jacket and skirt <br/> spring-summer 1961<br/> Tweed, silk grosgrain, gilt metal, silk pongee<br/> Patrimoine de CHANEL, Paris<br/> Right<br/> Suit<br/> spring-summer 1961<br/> Tweed, silk grosgrain, gilt metal, silk pongee<br/> Patrimoine de CHANEL, Paris<br/> Photo © Julien T. Hamon<br/>
Past program

Free entry

NGV International

Clemenger BBDO Auditorium
Ground Level

Hearing loops and accessible seating are available.

What is so significant about Gabrielle Chanel’s contribution to fashion? How did she rewrite fashion conventions and what was innovative about her work? Drop intro the Clemenger BBDO Auditorium and join one of our NGV Guides for a short and engaging overview of the exhibition Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto, including an introduction to highlight works.

Talks and discussions Fashion & Textiles Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto NGV International