Girma BERTA<br/>
<em>Untitled IV</em> (2017) <!-- (recto) --><br />
from the <i>Moving shadows</i> series 2017<br />
inkjet print<br />
89.8 x 90.0 cm (image) 99.8 x 100.0 cm (sheet)<br />
ed. 4/4<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Bowness Family Fund for Photography, 2018<br />
2018.1359<br />
© Girma Berta

Online Learning Festival

Girma BERTA<br/> <em>Untitled IV</em> (2017) <!-- (recto) --><br /> from the <i>Moving shadows</i> series 2017<br /> inkjet print<br /> 89.8 x 90.0 cm (image) 99.8 x 100.0 cm (sheet)<br /> ed. 4/4<br /> National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br /> Bowness Family Fund for Photography, 2018<br /> 2018.1359<br /> © Girma Berta <!--137519-->
Past program

This program takes place virtually

Prepare for excellence in VCE with two action packed days of art and design with the NGV. Gather inspiration from exhibitions, artists and workshops, hear from Top Arts exhibitors about what it takes to make an outstanding VCE Art or Studio Arts folio. Learn how to discuss, analyse and write about art and design with NGV educators. Gain some practical folio skills and be inspired by incredible art!

Learning Objectives:  

  • Learn about contemporary international art and design.
  • Practice analysing and comparing artworks.
  • Gain skills for writing about art and design.
  • Discuss the inspiration, ideas and issues behind artists’ works.
  • Gather inspiration for folio development.
  • Draw on the experience of successful VCE Art and Studio Arts students.
  • Develop and practice art-making skills and techniques.

Cost: $50 per day

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Tue 19 Jan, 9.30am–3.30pm (Past)

Welcome | Introduction to the NGV Triennial
The NGV Triennial 2020 brings together the work of Australian and International artists and designers who respond to a diversity of concerns across a broad range of media. This introduction will provide an overview of the exhibition, highlighting key artists, themes and ideas.

Analysing art and design – art analysis workshop
How do artists communicate ideas, meanings and messages? How do they use elements and principles to create aesthetic qualities? What frameworks can we use to analyse art and design and how might they add to our understanding? Work with an NGV educator using works from the Triennial to perfect the language of art analysis for folio annotation and written tasks.

Writing about art and design – art writing workshop
How can you turn your ideas about art into thoughtful, succinct, descriptive writing for your folio and assessment tasks? Work with NGV educators on tips and exercises to improve your art writing.

Meet  the designer – Jonathan Ben Tovim
Industrial designer Jonathan Ben-Tovim produces experimental lighting and furniture designs which explore and question the materials, processes and supply chains behind commercially mass-produced goods. In this session Jonathan will discuss his work and ideas about design and lead you through some dynamic creative challenges that model different ways to use materials and express ideas.

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Wed 20 Jan, 10am–3.30pm (Past)

10.00am – 11.00am
2020 Top Arts student tips for  folio success
Hear from three Top Arts 2020 students about how they made their Top Arts work, what they learned along the way and how to succeed in VCE.

Making a digital folio with Augmented Reality
Daniel Garcia STEAM Project Officer Bendigo Tech School, La Trobe University

Learn how digital technology can offer new ways to make work and enhance your folio presentation. Work with Daniel Garcia from Bendigo Tech School on an augmented reality project using your mobile phone or digital device.

Meet  the artist – Laith McGregor
Leading Australian artist Laith McGregor is best known for his highly detailed, large-scale biro and pencil portraits and self portraits.  Join Laith in this portrait drawing workshop in which we’ll experiment with innovative drawing techniques and explore ideas to create a unique portrait inspired by work from the NGV Collection.

Wrap up and sharing
An opportunity to share ideas, artwork and inspiration, get feedback on your ideas for folio directions or ask about things you want to find out more about.

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Learn NGV Teens NGV Triennial 2020