KAWS <br/>
<em>TOGETHER</em> 2017 <br/>
bronze, paint <br/>
182.8 x 142.2 x 101.6 cm<br/>
Photo: Joshua White<br/>

Still Together

Past program

NGV International

Federation Court
Ground Level

‘Invisible threads are the strongest ties.’ – Friedrich Nietzsche

Connect with yourself and the world around you in a unique mass meditation experience inspired by KAWS: Companionship in the Age of Loneliness.

Together with other like-hearted humans, gather underneath KAWS’ largest bronze sculpture to date for a morning of guided meditation led by A–SPACE founder Manoj Dias, accompanied by a live musical performance, followed by an exclusive viewing of the KAWS: Companionship in the Age of Loneliness exhibition. Previous meditation experience is not necessary, just an open mind and an open heart.

Still together, together still.

Meditation from 9–9.45am, with exhibition viewing from 9.45am.

Presented in collaboration with A–SPACE.

Sat 26 Oct, 9–10am (Past)

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Sat 23 Nov, 9–10am (Past)

Sat 22 Feb, 9–9.45am (Past)

Special events Contemporary Design KAWS NGV International