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Presented in partnership with Telstra as part of the Telstra Creativity and Innovation Series.

Award-winning computer programmer, illustrator and storyteller, Linda Liukas, explores the impact of technology on our creativity referencing NGV’s recent David Hockney: Current exhibition in The Telstra Creativity and Innovation Series; an annual presentation showcasing the work of world-leading innovators.

Linda Liukas is the founder of Rails Girls, which has organised workshops in over 270 cities, teaching the basics of programming to more than 10,000 women. She won the 2013 Ruby Hero prize and was named the Digital Champion of Finland by the EU Commissioner for the Digital Agenda.

The Telstra Creativity and Innovation Series is an initiative of Telstra and the NGV, an annual presentation that showcases the work of world-leading innovators.

Proudly supported by Telstra