VIGNELLI ASSOCIATES, New York (design studio)<br />
 Lella VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 Massimo VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 HELLER INC., New York (manufacturer)<br/>
<em>Compact, set of four dinner plates</em> (1960-1964) {designed}; (1970s) {manufactured} <!-- (view 1) --><br />

melamine<br />
(a) 2.7 x 25 cm diameter (yellow) (b) 2.7 x 25 cm diameter (purple) (c) 2.7 x 25 cm diameter (pink) (d) 2.7 x 25 cm diameter (red)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of John Hinds, 2022<br />
2022.1105.a-d<br />




Compact tablewares

Lella and Massimo Vignelli

Vajillas compactas

Lella and Massimo Vignelli


Lella and Massimo Vignelli together had diverse and prolific careers as both designers and architects. Producing some of the most iconic designs in the United States, such as the New York City Subway map, Ford’s corporate logo and the American Airlines logo, their careers were heavily informed by their Italian upbringing and training. Born in Milan, Massimo Vignelli went to art school at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan, and went on to study architecture at the Politecnico di Milano and the Universita Ca Foscari in Venice. Lella Vignelli (née Elena Valle) was born in Udine in the north-east of Italy and also studied architecture at the Universita Ca Foscari in Venice. Their move to the United States came in 1957 when Massimo gained a fellowship with Towele Silversmiths, Massachusetts, to design cutlery and Lella was awarded a scholarship to continue her studies with MIT in Massachusetts.

During the early years of their careers, the Vignellis worked between Italy and the United States and it was during this time they designed the Compact range of plastic tablewares. Originally manufactured in Italy by Arpe, in 1964 the stacking tablewares won a Compasso D’oro Award for Good Design. After being bought by Heller, a New York–based company, shortly after the company was established in 1971, the Compact range was the first line that the company released. With the aim of producing unique and innovative and affordable products through the use of new technologies, Heller brought the Vignelli’s award-winning design to the United States.

Italian designers of the postwar period excelled in domestic design, making use of new and affordable materials, such as plastic and fibreglass. Embracing a modern style and minimalist design, the range was both practical and stylish. Always concerned with the idea of ‘timelessness’ when designing their pieces, the Vignellis endeavoured to avoid trends.

In an interview, Massimo spoke fondly of their partnership and remarked that it was always Lella who was willing to say when a piece they were working on had become too trendy and at this point they would throw it away and start again. The fusion of modernity and style with the practical nature of plastic materiality made the Vignellis’ Compact range exceedingly popular, and it is still in production today.

The Vignellis continued to work as a truly collaborative team for decades and their rich careers produced numerous elegant designs that remain inherently stylish.

Imogen Mallia-Valjan, Curatorial Project Officer, International Decorative Arts and Design, National Gallery of Victoria

HELLER INC., New York (manufacturer)<br />
 Lella VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 Massimo VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 VIGNELLI ASSOCIATES, New York (design studio)<br/>
<em>Compact, set of four mugs</em> (1960-1964) {designed}; (1970s) {manufactured} <!-- (view 1) --><br />

melamine<br />
(a) 10.5 x 11.9 x 7.9 cm (yellow) (b) 10.5 x 12.0 x 7.9 cm (purple) (c) 10.5 x 12.0 x 8.0 cm  (pink) (d) 10.4 x 12.0 x 8.0 cm (red)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of John Hinds, 2022<br />
2022.1106.a-d<br />


HELLER INC., New York (manufacturer)<br />
 Lella VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 Massimo VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 VIGNELLI ASSOCIATES, New York (design studio)<br/>
<em>Compact, lidded bowl</em> (1960-1964) {designed} <!-- (view 1) --><br />

melamine<br />
(a-b) 13.1 x 25.0 cm diameter (overall)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of John Hinds, 2022<br />
2022.1107.a-b<br />


HELLER INC., New York (manufacturer)<br />
 Lella VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 Massimo VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 VIGNELLI ASSOCIATES, New York (design studio)<br/>
<em>Compact, serving dish</em> (1960-1964) {designed} <!-- (view 1) --><br />

melamine<br />
10.6 x 41.0 x 40.5 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of John Hinds, 2022<br />
2022.1108<br />


Lella e Massimo Vignelli ebbero insieme carriere diverse e prolifiche sia come designer che come architetti. I loro lavori includono alcuni dei design più iconici degli Stati Uniti, come la mappa della metropolitana di New York, il logo aziendale della Ford e il logo dell’American Airlines e le loro carriere sono state fortemente influenzate dalla loro educazione e formazione italiana. Nato a Milano, Massimo Vignelli frequentò la scuola d’arte all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, a Milano, e proseguì gli studi di architettura al Politecnico di Milano e all’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. Lella Vignelli (al secolo Elena Valle) nacque a Udine nell’Italia nord-orientale e studiò architettura all’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. Il loro trasferimento negli Stati Uniti avvenne nel 1957, quando Massimo ottenne una borsa di studio presso Towele Silversmiths, nel Massachusetts, per progettare posate e Lella ottenne una borsa di studio per continuare gli studi presso l’MIT nel Massachusetts.

Nei primi anni della loro carriera, i Vignelli lavorarono tra l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti e fu in questo periodo che progettarono la gamma di stoviglie in plastica Compact. Prodotti originariamente in Italia da Arpe, nel 1964 i servizi da tavola impilabili vinsero il premio Compasso d’oro per il design. Dopo essere stata acquistata da Heller, un’azienda con sede a New York, poco dopo la sua fondazione nel 1971, la gamma Compact fu la prima linea che l’azienda lanciò. Con l’obiettivo di produrre prodotti unici, innovativi e a prezzi accessibili attraverso l’uso di nuove tecnologie, Heller portò il premiato design dei coniugi Vignelli negli Stati Uniti. I designer italiani del Dopoguerra si sono distinti nel design domestico utilizzando materiali nuovi e accessibili, come la plastica e la vetroresina. Con uno stile moderno e un design minimalista, la gamma offerta era pratica ed elegante. Sempre attenti all’idea di “atemporalità” quando progettavano i loro pezzi, i coniugi Vignelli si impegnavano inoltre a evitare le tendenze.

In un’intervista, Massimo parlò con affetto del loro sodalizio e osservò che era sempre Lella a dire quando un pezzo a cui stavano lavorando era diventato troppo di tendenza ed era a quel punto che lo abbandonavano e ricominciavano il lavoro da capo. La fusione di modernità e stile con la praticità della materia plastica ha reso la gamma Compact dei coniugi Vignelli estremamente popolare. Questa gamma di prodotti è tuttora in produzione.

Massimo e Lella Vignelli continuarono a lavorare come una vera e propria squadra collaborativa per decenni e la loro ricca carriera portò alla realizzazione di numerosi modelli eleganti che rimangono ancora oggi oggetti di stile.

Imogen Mallia-Valjan, Curatorial Project Officer, Arti Decorative e Design Internazionali, National Gallery of Victoria

HELLER INC., New York (manufacturer)<br />
 Lella VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 Massimo VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 VIGNELLI ASSOCIATES, New York (design studio)<br/>
<em>Compact, set of four mugs</em> (1960-1964) {designed}; (1970s) {manufactured} <!-- (view 1) --><br />

melamine<br />
(a) 10.5 x 11.9 x 7.9 cm (yellow) (b) 10.5 x 12.0 x 7.9 cm (purple) (c) 10.5 x 12.0 x 8.0 cm  (pink) (d) 10.4 x 12.0 x 8.0 cm (red)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of John Hinds, 2022<br />
2022.1106.a-d<br />


HELLER INC., New York (manufacturer)<br />
 Lella VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 Massimo VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 VIGNELLI ASSOCIATES, New York (design studio)<br/>
<em>Compact, lidded bowl</em> (1960-1964) {designed} <!-- (view 1) --><br />

melamine<br />
(a-b) 13.1 x 25.0 cm diameter (overall)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of John Hinds, 2022<br />
2022.1107.a-b<br />


HELLER INC., New York (manufacturer)<br />
 Lella VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 Massimo VIGNELLI (designer)<br />
 VIGNELLI ASSOCIATES, New York (design studio)<br/>
<em>Compact, serving dish</em> (1960-1964) {designed} <!-- (view 1) --><br />

melamine<br />
10.6 x 41.0 x 40.5 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of John Hinds, 2022<br />
2022.1108<br />


VIGNELLI ASSOCIATES, New York (design studio)
Lella VIGNELLI (designer)
Massimo VIGNELLI (designer)
HELLER INC., New York (manufacturer)
Compact, set of four dinner plates (1960-1964) {designed}; (1970s) {manufactured}
(a) 2.7 x 25 cm diameter (yellow) (b) 2.7 x 25 cm diameter (purple) (c) 2.7 x 25 cm diameter (pink) (d) 2.7 x 25 cm diameter (red)
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Gift of John Hinds, 2022

View in Collection Online