Women's Social and Political Union, London (distributor)<br/>
England 1903–17<br/>
Toye and Co., London (manufacturer)<br/>
England est. 1685<br/>
<em>Votes for Women, sash</em> c. 1909 <br/>
cotton, metal<br/>
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Shaw Research Library<br/>
Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM and Family Suffrage Research Collection<br/>

History Challenge

Wed 19 Aug 20, 9.30am–11am

Women's Social and Political Union, London (distributor)<br/> England 1903–17<br/> Toye and Co., London (manufacturer)<br/> England est. 1685<br/> <em>Votes for Women, sash</em> c. 1909 <br/> cotton, metal<br/> National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Shaw Research Library<br/> Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM and Family Suffrage Research Collection<br/>
Past program

Free entry

This program takes place virtually

Levels 7 & 8

What can objects teach us about the past? How do they represent different personal and cultural perspectives? Dive into the Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM and Family Suffrage Research Collection with object-based learning. Investigate primary and secondary sources to analyse and interpret the perspectives of those involved in the women’s suffrage movement. Consider links between past and present protest movements. 

Learning Objectives 

  • Ask questions of sources that identify origin, content, function and explain context 
  • Differentiate between primary sources (those from the time of the event/person/site being investigated) and secondary sources (those that represent later interpretation) 
  • Organise historical sources into types including artefacts, visual, written and audio 
  • Examine the history of women’s suffrage with a focus on both the United Kingdom and the Australian suffrage movement 
  • Investigate how personal and cultural perspectives inform our understanding of the past and think creatively to explore links between past and present protest movements. 

The History Challenge is part of Creative Catalyst, a program for high ability students attending Victorian Government schools.

This program is available on request for groups of 10 or more students.


The National Gallery of Victoria is a proud partner of the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series, an initiative of the Department of Education and Training (DET) that provides opportunities for high-ability students in Victorian government schools.

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