
Members Exclusive Under 4s: The Krystyna Campbell-Pretty Fashion Gift NGV Kids

Thu 14 Mar 19, 10am–11am

Past program

NGV International

Meet: Information desk
Ground Level

Share in your child’s first art experiences and get involved with hands-on making activities in this program for toddlers aged 2-4 and their parent or carer.

Tickets admit one child and one adult. Any additional adults wishing to attend the program can purchase an ‘Additional Guardian’ ticket for $10 per person.

Please arrive 5 minutes prior to start time.

Further times, Under 4s: The Krystyna Campbell-Pretty Fashion Gift > view details


Under 4s is led by Melbourne-based artist, photographer and blogger Natalie Barnes.

NGV Kids Contemporary Fashion & Textiles International The Krystyna Campbell-Pretty Fashion Gift NGV International

The NGV Kids program is generously supported by The Truby and Florence Williams Charitable Trust and Official Supplier Canson Australia.